
If you're already at a score above 1000 and want a price reduction due to this, add WOWBOOSTS#0001 on discord and we'll make a custom offer for you!
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Raider.io Score Boosting – The Nost Prestigious PvE WoW Boost

Our Raider.io score packages offer you the most valuable kind of boost for PvE. It’s not just for the vanity and gorgeous purple appearance of your score in the bottom right of your WoW tab, it’s for the completely necessary and mandatory culture that is RAIDER.IO ELITISM.

If you’re not 1300+, you won’t get into +15s these days, it’s the sad reality of pugging for keys. But, We can remove this worry for an entire tier and your score will persist for as long as the season lasts, which is often upwards of 6+ months.

But what is Raider.io?

RaiderIO Logo


Raider.io is a third-party in-game addon, unaffiliated with Blizzard itself but used by absolutely every player who takes PvE even slightly seriously! It judges you on what Mythic+ keys you’ve done, how long they took, what level they were and then awards you a score based on those criteria.

If we’re honest, it’s a nasty system, but a necessary evil if you ever want to experience the FULL game. It’s true, that you can put hundreds of hours into grinding 20-30 score per day (If you’re lucky, and have immense patience with pug groups!) But the truth is, buying your score may just be the easier solution. 

Then what score should I purchase? 

Choosing a score that makes you feel great as a player is an entirely personal choice. Below we detail our thought process on what Raider.io score could fit you the best, here’s what you should consider:

Question: Do you want to be invited to a +15? A +17 or even a 19?

Answer: If you’re just looking to get the right Raider.io to make +15-18 weekly keys smooth and simple, we would advise purchasing Raider.io Score of 1300. However, most people who want their account to look Special don’t end their journey there. If they want to go further and look incredible at the game, as well as get into higher keys, then our recommendation is purchasing 1700 Raider.io Score.

But buying Raider.io score is pointless! I don’t get better at the game!

Wrong! It’s certainly correct if you buy from other sites, who will silently take you through keys and not give any input. But a            WowBoosts guarantee, is that you can be on voice with our boosters, and fully selfplay any raider.io score. We believe that a key part of this Package is the Learning experience of each key, in-depth enough to do it yourself after the boost finishes.

 Our players know the mechanics of each dungeon so well that they can fully focus on telling you how things work, what to interrupt, which mobs to CC and target, all while performing at their peak. 

 ETA:   (times very dependant on which keys are available)

1300 R.io: 1-3 Days
1700 R.io: 3-7 Days

Looking for the ultimate PvE Package? Get a full Mythic Ny’alotha Boost with your Raider.io Package to become that “one insane player” in your friends group and guild!






If you're already at a score above 1000 and want a price reduction due to this, add WOWBOOSTS#0001 on discord and we'll make a custom offer for you!
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All material that is not distinctive of WowBoost’s own personal brand is registered and the property of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights on related materials, logos and characters respectively belongs to Blizzard Entertainment inc. WowBoosts is in no way associated with Blizzard Entertainment inc.

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